What we have done in experiments two and three is recorded in the photographs but I have a few reflections.

Those generous people who took part are stepping into the role of fairies, by letting adult inhibitions drop while at the same time avoiding mimicking children.

What we are doing is not childish, even though it feels like it when we are surrounded by circles of adults leaning in to intense conversations.

We know that what children do is not childish.

We are as light as fairies, as fluid as fairies, as fragile as fairies, as steely strong as fairies, as annoying as fairies

Thank you to the intense adults for not telling us to shut up, or sit down. You are fair folk and you dealt with us fairies in a generous way even though we probably drove some of you round the bend.

I think men have more of a resistance to enter the fairy kingdom, or at least I experienced a willingness from more women to join in. I am wondering if this is because talking is a very comfortable zone for men? There is a book by Dale Spendor about man made language and how language which was once the dominion of women has been colonised by the masculine. Maybe women are more willing to give up talking to find a freer more equitable space? I don't know, I'm just wondering, it will need further experimentation.

That was the most obvious consequence that revealed itself to me at this D&D as well as realising that we are inhabiting this middle ground between adults and children by stepping into the role of fairies.

I love the idea of being a fairy in all it's earthy connections and it is important for me to name it as such because although it looks like clowning, it is not. This fairy practice is open to all and if it succumbs to elitism and brutality then we will reinvent it under another name and move into a new space.