I've listened and taken part in some of the discussions that happened yesterday in the 'What can we do to be better? allies' satellite.
I've heard amazing ideas and amazing proposals. I'm inspired, as always, by the energy and the good will that circulate in the D&D open spaces.

My impression is that we want our voices to be heard but we don't consider the ones who are going to hear our voices as equals.
The audience is often not in the picture. We care about our priorities but not about the audience's needs. What they need from art? What are the questions they need to be answered?
How can we marry our urgency with the audience's urgency?

We're witnessing how much this lack of listening can be dangerous in politics. How situation runs out of hand when people don't feel represented.
As an artist, I don't want to make the same mistakes.

Let's not be allies with a same enemy but let's be allies with a same goal.
What is our goal/urgency?