I can afford theatre, others cannot - GUILT

janet Bliss, 21 June 2012

Janet Bliss called the session

group members spoke freely,introducing themselves in to the topic - theatre producer, theatre staff, actor. each understood why ticket prices can exclude people but felt that if the passion was there i.e. concert tickets are $80 but people pay that, Olympic tickets are more and yet people vast amounts. do people value theatre? a lot of people don't.

tell people how much their ticket would cost if it was not subsidised, they think they are paying a lot but in fact they are getting the ticket at discounted amount due to arts council funding etc.
theatre is about risk taking, research shows that people will take a risk if it is under $15 but they won't pay $16!! again, do they value the experience?

saying you cannot afford something is often an excuse, tthe real reason is that they cannot be bothered,have something else to do on that day - why do they say they cannot afford it.


money, affordability, passion, value the product