These are notes from our discussion starting with some that seemed to be key ideas that gave us all hope.

*Speak the truth of your daily experience
*Accept that there will be some suffering
*Name the problem
*Make space for emotion (find people who are good mirrors for your strength)
*Work on the culture

There is a burden on women when calling out inequality, being called "an angry woman".
Sometimes this is exhausting. Sometimes we need a level of safety in order to address issues.
Dealing with systemic disadvantage can leave you stuck in coping strategies forever.

*Stick to your authentic voice and confidence will grow
*Care is not weakness

How do we nurture our leaders?
- is our concept of leadership gendered?
-how do we renegotiate the primary archetypal male/female dynamics
-be aware that trauma is endemic in modern society
-As women become powerful defenses go up, fear of change, fear of not belonging
-it comes from the top, leaders who accept and demonstrate emotion

How can we bring the leadership and confidence we have in spaces we control (workshops, rehearsal rooms) to other, more difficult spaces?
This is something that happens in meetings.
How can we deal with being ignored?
Anger is not comfortable.

It's more about class than about being a woman
It isn't about money
How is Class operating now?

We are all taking care of our tribe.
Being laughed at because of your accent.

Education doesn't change your class.
Working in middle class environments: Do I need to change my accent?

*You are not alone
*Everyone is vulnerable
*Try to be kind

What does power mean for men? Brene Brown's work on vulnerability and shame (see her TED talk/ Netflix special and books)

Shame and entitlement, Belonging.

Who spends their money? Who works for their money?
People feel forgotten.
This problem is intersectional.

*social media can help: #metoo - blog your story