What's on Past Events D&D Vault Fest Satellite: Women, Theatre, And Ageing: Will There Always Be A 'Last F*Ckable Day'? 27 February 2016 3-6pm D&D Vault Fest Satellite: Women, Theatre, And Ageing: Will There Always Be A 'Last F*Ckable Day'? The Vaults Leake Street, South Bank, London SE1 7NN http://www.vaultfestival.com/surge/devoted-°©‐disgruntled/ An invitation from Lowri Jenkins, actor & writer: Has anybody seen Amy Schumer’s sketch “Last Fuckable Day”? In it she stumbles across three talented, successful female actresses enjoying a picnic in a park. Julia Louis Dreyfuss, Patricia Arquette and Tina Fey. When Amy asks what they are celebrating, they say they are toasting Julia’s “last fuckable day” – that’s the last day that TV producers think it’s believable that anyone would want to fuck her. These actresses are in their 40s and early 50s. They are beautiful and funny and very, most definitely, sexy. They are also definitely “fuckable” to their husbands, partners and a multitude of fans. But apparently, by our culture’s standards, they aren’t worth the time of day. Once they aren’t ‘sexy’ enough to be the ingénue, they are left to play the grandma; whilst their male counterparts play opposite women half their age. The scene was made in response to 37-year old actress Maggie Gyllenhaal revealing that she was turned down for a role playing the love interest of a 55-year-old man because she was deemed “too old”. As a female performer ageing is a constant worry. At 29 I am already “too old” for half the female parts out there – and there’s not exactly a wealth of roles awaiting actresses as they hit their 30s and beyond. I’m not just worried about ageing as an actor, I’m worried about where having kids fits into that – and whether that affects how “fuckable” I’m supposed to be on stage or screen. I’m also worried about how this ageism, skewed against women, seems to pervade backstages as well. I’m also pissed off! Where do we go from here? How do we build for the future, so that we don’t have a “last fuckable day”? I’ve set up a company with my colleague Jennifer Fletcher to create our own roles, and to contribute to a culture where there are more women in charge of companies, directing artistic decisions and organising businesses. All this in a world women still get paid around 20% less than men, where there are more men called John in charge of big businesses than women, and where a choreographer as respected as Akram Khan can get away with saying women shouldn’t be given arts jobs “for the sake of it”. Thanks Akram. We live in a world where standards, systems, tastes and values are all dictated by men, and those values say that women are worth less, and are only worth something when they are young. So how do we build a future? How do we combat ageism in theatre, and its grizzly cousin, the gender pay gap, which surely has something to do with it? And finally, how can we create work that shows that women, whatever their age, can be leaders, well-paid, fuckable and in charge? Come along to this Devoted & Disgruntled Open Space to share your ideas, plans and questions. Men, women, old, young, and all those in-between are welcome to come help change the world.. Booking for this event has now closed.