Wildflowers    real and metaphorical    Pioneers? 

Convener(s): clare whistler 

Participants: Poppy Burton-Morgan, then Mark Smith

Summary of discussion, conclusions and/or recommendations:

The seeds of something…, making art from seeds of ideas…performance in the landscape

Artists and change

Do you need to stand still to evolve

Not a be or a butterfly but a magnet

Performance contexts are breaking down all the time , not necessarily devised anymore

Being brave enough and to trust enough to go on a journey that no one else seems to be taking

To go wild….attend to what flowers……have beauty live……and have it die…to be the beauty and the art

Living in a wildflower meadow as a performance artist and seeing what one makes…living with the earth and weathers….needing collaborations and links, finding them person and place one by one, through intimacy, stillness, no technology

Cultivating the wild  to re-understand that we will continue to make art money or not, being motivated beyond any money

Is it me singing in the dark?  Sometimes that is a wonderful place to be,

Sometimes its necessary to be in the dark

Have you given yourself enough ‘standing still’

Reflect and breath and refract

The lightning hits the tree, what re-generates



Being the wildflower


The session was held in Duncan – for Isadora – a pioneer