Your reports Find reports Why do I feel like I’m bluffing? Why do I feel like I’m bluffing? Convener(s): Jenny/Saira/Ro Participants: Unknown Summary of discussion, conclusions and/or recommendations: Is everyone bluffing? Need/want of clarification/feedback – am I working in the right way/what is the right way/is there a right way? Part of working in the arts is about forging new pathways, looking at things from a new perspective, if there is no precedent how can you tell if you’re doing it right? Is there a wrong way? Is it actually wrong to bluff? Part of our work is often to instill confidence in ourselves in others, gives them security and confidence in our abilities. Everyone has insecurities, is to ‘bluff’ just not burdening others’ with them? Pretensions/confidence/arrogance – is the feeling of ‘bluffing’ a way to psychologically avoid being/being perceived as pretentious? If you can bluff effectively then you are doing the job well – if you are projecting the right image and not ‘making mistakes’ or ‘getting found out’, doesn’t that mean you’re doing it well? Image projection/confidence/façade Chutzpah Arranged failure - not to be afraid of making mistakes Acting – If you are able to fake the truth, then you’ve made it Life/work – balance/dividing line – is there one in the arts? Out of control/relationship to others/trust Self assessment/management Forming your own opinions and having confidence in them Vulnerability Self consciousness/doubt are part of the learning process Reflection The actor and the target – the answer is within - don’t need affirmations – danger of comparing Mimicry – benefits of learning from others/watching/listening What are the consequences of bluffing? Play/Bluff You can’t know everything