
What would the champion model of a diverse drama school look like?

- Building new accessible buildings.

- The day when we don't have to question diversity.

- Getting everyone to start at the same level - getting everyone to ensure we're at same start.

- Induction days/workshops to unload preconceived barriers with support.

- We need teachers who are passionate.

- Students should have teaching and support staff that can guide them through.

- Having a safe space is useful.

- Enable/ challenge/ broaden horizons.

- The inner part of you should never be compromised. *woop woop*

- Do drama students have to wear a uniform (ie. blacks)?

- Drama training founded on some very specific physical principles.

- Diverse people shouldn't have to do all the work-making others feel comfortable.

- Regular reflective conversations

- No more burdening the 'subject' of diversity having to educate others

- Offers different avenues to training

- Important conversations always to take place - not always then but if possible later.

- Diverse Industry Links.

- Free auditions.

- Open doors charity models.

- Bursaries/scholarships

- This drama school will do outreach auditions to encourage diversity.

- Diverse audition panels for all rounds.

- Diverse teachers + guest teachers.

- Deconstruction of myths, attitudes around race, gender, disability

- Respect for people's lived experiences.

- Drama school should give students 'the right to speak'.

- A school is only as good as the quality of its staff.

- How do tutors perceive their role? Tutor/Mentor?

- Tutor should be adding to the students potential.

- Mental health must be considered.

- Drama schools need more diversity in staffing.

- Drama schools need to reach out in communities.

- Humility to know that you do not have the knowledge to support diverse students.

- Everyone should make an effort to diversify choice of resources books/ films/ plays etc.

- Productions of a staff reading list.

- Audience needs and education.

- When does tradition become unhelpful for progress?

- How do we prepare actors for the outside world in the industry?

- Maintaining the status quo is a way of maintaining a diverse power dynamic.

- #I'm here, where are you? Audiences should perhaps only support theatres that support diverse people.

- The minister for arts and culture needs to be here.

- The principle of CSSD needs to be part of these conversations.

- Role modeling staff should deliver and share practice.

Who needs to change in order to support diverse students?

- Staff need to support grievances.

- Who are the unmarked people in drama schools?

- Heads of schools should be accountable for issues of diversity.

- Students need to feel safe enough to speak without judgment from staff.

- Student casting should not be influenced by opinions that they have offered.

- What are people's fears about changing the status quo?

- Are people (scared) the quality of work will be 'watered-down'?

- People are afraid of change/loosing power?

- Inclusivity is a movement towards progress.

- The people in power afraid that they are wrong!!

- For those who experience priviledge equlity feels like oppression.

- People in power need a mind shift.

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- 1st - think what are drama schools training?

- For those who experience priviledge, equality feels like oppression!!

- The Incident Theatre company.

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- 1st think what drama space/training expects an individual to cope/manage personally.

- Tutors - adding to potential
- challenge
- advanced broaden your horizons

- Should never be stripped of yourself.

- language

- Jess 'Bodied in Commotion' The Silent Child (Short Film)
Monroe Burgrof

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Why are we still talking about issues surrounding diversity in theatre? (written in bold. blue ink).

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Stakeholder Popwer has a role to play in progressive inclusivity. (written in bold, blue ink).

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Staff need to Listen to Students! We need to be able to have difficult conversations. (written in bold, blue ink.)

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Codes of conduct ensure staff/institutions are accountable (underlined). When you are in a safe space it is easier to challenge others. (written in bold, blue ink).

Note from the author: I'm so sorry that I am only just posting this session now. I tried to upload it at the time but was unable to, and then a mixture of life and research meant that I forgot to attempt it again. I hope that those who were present got as much from the conversation as me - I think that the few that I talked to did. I also hope that the plays, the research, the teaching and the PhDs that featured in our discussions were all successful.