Where can we women (and men!) get some of the arrogance (in a nice way!), chutzpah, and youthful pushiness of young men?


Convener(s): Stella Duffy

Participants: Lucy Wigmore, Rachel Parish, Angela Clerkin, Tanya Roberts, Mufrida Hayes, Alyn Gwyndaf, Morna Burdon, Grainne Byrne, Pia Furtado, Roger Nelson, Peta Lily, Julian Couch, Brian Lobel, Fran Gerono, Kirsty Lothian, Ellie DuBois, Kate Golledge, Sarah Grange, Ellen Parmy, Victoria Dyson


Summary of discussion, conclusions and/or recommendations:

Here’s a lot of statements and questions that came up in a very wonderful discussion :

Women lack the confidence to ask cheeky questions

Do young women know about feminism? (the young women said not enough)

How many women really (not as a front) have a ’fuck it’ attitude?

What if we valued the taking care?

Turn down the EMPATHY DIAL!! (can we be up and down and levels rather than on/off?)

Not about being ruthless, is it about being completely directional?

But what happens when the completely directional woman is then labelled a bitch/diva?

Women don’t want to BE young men, just want some of that energy (get a bit of that from coming to D&D?!)

Focusing on ideas and what are presenting, not who we are?

D&D is great place to get some of that affirming energy useful to this puppy-dog hopeful/positive attitude

Crumple on the floor – and find strength to get up again (on the floor?)

Risking failing/risking getting over fear

The puppy dog quality is about not having awareness of fear/possibility of failure

Lots of us still feel LUCKY to be here, rather than having the RIGHT to be here

Is it something to do with inability to separate work/personal?

Is the chutzpah to do with presentation/dress?

The alpha male (and alpha female) reaction to this form of self-belief/strength can be very difficult/confronting.

Is it about believing in our work? Self-belief?