Sally Rose, 25 January 2015

Called by Sally
Atgtended by: Rosalie White Xavier de Sousa
Leo Burtin
Holly Aston

Discussion called thinking specifically about professional/personal development and asking for strategies for creating this yourself (as an independent producer)

- Responsibility to plan your own development.

- Take your self to a de-familiarised situation/location to allow for new ways of thinking.

- Approach organisations - that you admire or want to learn from.

- Peer development - regular meetings with a group. Have conversations about your development plans and new ideas with a a peer.

- Mentoring and shadowing - include a 3-way thinkingin (i.e. ask for time from a mentor, and then ensure that you are offering time/advice to someone else too)

- Look at joining a board, this offers a group of specialists to align with. (Arts & Business have a ‘board bank’)

- Go and see other areas of the country/sectors

- Professional development should be built into other funding applications for projects, including resources to pay mentors and can be for producer specific training and development.

- Coaching - guided talking about/around a problem with specific strategies for thinking around problems (offered through Clore programmes)

- Look for social opportunities to interact with like minded people/colleagues

- ‘Action Learning Set’ a system for talking about issues that are important to a group - Deb Barnard / Relational Dynamics

- Long Table - a system for discussion which can be used for personal situations

- ‘Who else’ principle - how to share an opportunity with more people. Recognising what you have to share and give .

- Touring shows - creating a model of double bills/opening acts where a more

established artist offers a slot to a artist coming up. (music touring/support acts) which acts as a good audience development strategy for both and introduces artists to programmers.

- Two Destination Language set up FLINT to bring artists to Salisbury, who wouldn't usually come. this has ended up being a successful system for growing new opportunities/contacts/audiences for both TDL and the invited artists - benefitting both. Starting your own idea or context.

- Is it useful to have a mentor who you do not know, who is a bit removed from you? Yes - although trust is essential.

- Idea to ask other people you know/who know you for recommendations of good menor matches.

  • -  Artsadmin Advisory service is for all working in the arts - not just artists.

  • -  Make an hour every week to focus on your development ideas and potential.


    Training, Development, development, mentors, coaching, DIY, training