Convener(s): Joanna Woodward & Michelle?

Participants: “ “

Summary of discussion, conclusions and/or recommendations:

An Experimental Theatre TV Slot in involving 10 nationwide theatres.


1) Increase theatre audiences

2) Give theatre companies skills in the very popular medium of TV

3) To bridge the gap between two very different mediums

4) Provide excellent value for money by bringing the art forms together.


A ten part TV Series.

Each theatre company is invited to tell a story, one aspect /point of view of which will be told through the medium of television another through the medium of live theatre.


1) Each story will have an element of mystery, which makes the audience want to enjoy the ‘full picture’ for example more than one character’s point of view.
2) An interactive web site where the TV audience have the opportunity to get involved in the production of a piece of ‘live theatre’ that will take place seven days after the broadcast and tour nationwide they will do this by:-

a) getting involved in the devising of the story for the live performance as the cast improvise
b) to win a role I the live performance
c) to get insight into the characters of the subsequent plot of the live show as it is being created on line.


New film directors and writers are given the opportunity to devise a work with an established theatre company.

TV/Film directors will benefit from the on site facilities available from a theatre company eg: studio space, admin, cast, music, costume working methods of improvisation.

And the main benefit will be that a diverse audience that usually considers theatre as elitist and out of touch with new developments in entertainment will feel that they have contributed to a piece of live theatre

A theatre company will reach new audiences and enjoy the challenge of improvising with material partly created by a random audience.