Your reports Find reports Theatre is a building, music is an artform. Pedantic semantics or language defecit? Theatre is a building, music is an artform. Pedantic semantics or language defecit? Seth Honnor, 17 July 2012 Context: It feels like there is emergent live performance practice for which the term theatre doesn't do audience, artist, funder, marketer or theatre any service at all. Kaleider the organisation for which I work is engaged in producing work for non auditorium contexts some interruptive and some ticketed, some both. We are facing the challenge of the language defecit for the work we produce. The group of people who attended listed some possible words associated with practice in a live context. We talked about their pros and cons. We didn't feel we really dealt with the challenge… Performative Live Theatre Live Art Immersive Performance Gaming Show Guerilla Interruptions Fantastic Interruptions Artist Platform/multi platform Site Specific Street Art Art Attacks Live Street Art Digital Pervasive media/performance Comedy Happening Live Event Motion What about trying other languages do they have a good term? word? Stage (in french) Site Based Use more than one term for different contexts? Public Art Public Live Art Encounter - PLAE Invisible Theatre Encounter Grokking Play Please contribute your suggested terms made up or new or different language… Tags: theatre language, live performance, terminology