Show us your party trick! Rose Biggin, 27 January 2013 I figured that, on the whole, it would probably be fair to say, that #DandD8 is, when considered as one big mass, it's quite talented. Really talented, you could probably go so far to say it's really talented. But I don't care about that. We know about that. Here's what else #DandD8 can do: - a mexican wave with the eyebrows - a two-footed take-off handstand - a finger-chopping magic trick - a middle-digit waggling finger trick - the banana banana banana splits - the “Jeannie McColl” by Rabbie Burns - a moving of the eyeballs independently of each other - eyebrow dancing - tea voodoo - deepthroat a banana - eerily omnipotent twentieth-century american musical theatre chronology knowledge - “I can put my foot in my armpit while standing up” - Various Facial Funnies: curly tongue; a tongue 360; monkey face; stretchy cheeks - the spelling of long words backwards - the singing of a self-penned acapella ditty - a poetic recitation of the kings and queens of england, from william i to the present (audio pending) - a witch's cackle from the depths of hell itself (audio pending) - the rap from When The Lights Go Out by 90s heartthrob boyband 5ive, plus a selection of middle-eight raps from the more obscure cul de sacs of the Spice Girls' back catalog (audio pending) - finger contortion - double-jointed thumb mischief - “i can do… any animal” (examples given: giraffe, rooster; of which I can only vouch for the authenticity of the giraffe - R) JUGGLING SUB-LIST #DandD8 can juggle the following: - four pens - four lemons - two lemons plus one apple while the apple is being eaten - balls on the side of the head - BENDING THE FABRIC OF SPACE AND TIME - flash pirouette - magical and dramatic crowd-pleasing five ball throwing-really-high-and-catching-them finale. Woo! Tags: juggling, utter loneliness, party tricks, people doing awesome things, never actually invited to parties, physical feats, sponteneous performance Comments: 2 Chris Grady, 27 January 2013 Wow…impressed German Munoz, 28 January 2013 “A witch's cackle from the depths of hell itself ”. Accurate description. It was quite unsettling. Definitely a unique talent…