Setting up a theatre company - any tips? The key thing I learnt is that I already know how to form a theatre company and should just crack on and stop procrastinating!For everyone else's benefit we discussed:Freelance individual VS. CompanyBoth can apply to ACE. Both are relatively simple to operate in the early stages. Is it easier to build a brand as an individual or as a company?For me, there's a psychological boost - I might procrastinate writing letters selling myself but maybe selling a company will feel different (overlap here with the Imposter Syndrome session.) With a company your personal liability drops to £1 (although you will need employer insurance and public liability for anyone you emply.)For woman the Bossy Facebook page is a great resource.The setting up is pretty easy - charity status is hard work so start with a Ltd by Guarantee company. Download the Articles of Association of another theatre company from Companies House, tweak it, then submit to Companies House. Your articles will need to make it clear you are not for profit if you wish to get money from the Art Council. You will get a lot of spam mail for a few months but that's it. You will need two Directors of the company (min.) Then go to your bank and get a company account, then get an accountant.Some producing partners form a new company for each partnership/project.Be clear about your own job description, and anyone who comes on board, even if initially unpaid, then progress to more formal management structures/contracts as the company goes.Forming a company with someone else involves a great deal of trust - it is a long-term can help with marketing.Look out for schemes supporting new theatre companies.We talked about companies such as Song of the Goat where work comes out of a cohort of artists working together over years. We also talked about companies which are just two people, and all the spectrum between.ITC can do the registering process for you for a fee, but are very useful to be part of by the time you're doing full shows as they provide contracts and legal support.