John Myatt, 26 January 2013

What did we want from this? In short, any help at all. More specifically, some contacts

who could help us develop the work: get it off our computers and into a room. And a


We got the names. Boy did we did get the names. Perfect Pitch, ASH Productions,

Mercury Musical Development. And all the kind exciting minds who turned up to help

and offered their brains/hearts for looking at our work.

And the plan?

FIRST. Get it read/heard by a mix of those who know: a producer, a musical director,

a director, a musician. A good mix of angles to get a good idea of actual sticking points

or just variations in taste.

THEN (and if) it's ready, get a workshop together. A kick-off session to hear the whole

piece through, piano and tambourines included. Learn from that; discover character;

realise a few challenges and maybe even begin to solve them.

AND THEN. Develop the piece over time. Don't strain people's commitments. Work

around their work. Particularly when passion and creativity are in the driving seat (and

getting paid isn't). Be truly inclusive with developing. And maybe bake a cake or two to

go with the thank you beverages. Think of once a month rather than a single basket

weekend with all your eggs. Maybe think once a week. Give those involved the chance

to realise and process. Let the piece find its own pace.

AND FINALLY. That industry workshop with the heads in the room that need to see


OH YES … Massive success on any scale.

*not an actual king


development, cabaret, musical, workshop, Development