Performance and Place; Civic Practice, Placemaking, Spatial Practices and so on... Amy Rose, 16 January 2017 Amy Rose (Amy Rose Projects, Bocadalupa, Playing Out) convened this session. It was attended by Amy(me) and Doug Francisco (Art Space, Live Space / Invisible Circus). Because my practice drifts in and out of these practices (street reclaiming, street play, tactical urbanism) and they are all informed by my performance and theatre practice, I called this session to see whether they have resonance to others attending D&D– who else was thinking and doing around these kinds of activities? I know Doug and his work so he and i caught up a bit on some of the Art Space, Live Space current projects and spoke more specifically about the Dance Centre at Jacob's Wells Road, the old victorian swimming pool, more recently a resource for Bristol's dance community. There are possibilities for Art Space Live Space to secure longer term use of the space through asset transfer. I was interested in a compelling session called at the same time about the use of Open Space in rehearsal/ creation processes, so we found an ending and went our separate ways. Tags: urbanism, Placemaking, Urbanism, Spatial Practices, Civic Practice, Art and Regeneration