Amy Rose, 16 January 2017

Amy Rose (Amy Rose Projects, Bocadalupa, Playing Out) convened this session. It

was attended by Amy(me) and Doug Francisco (Art Space, Live Space / Invisible


Because my practice drifts in and out of these practices (street reclaiming, street play,

tactical urbanism) and they are all informed by my performance and theatre practice, I

called this session to see whether they have resonance to others attending D&D– who

else was thinking and doing around these kinds of activities? I know Doug and his

work so he and i caught up a bit on some of the Art Space, Live Space current

projects and spoke more specifically about the Dance Centre at Jacob's Wells Road,

the old victorian swimming pool, more recently a resource for Bristol's dance

community. There are possibilities for Art Space Live Space to secure longer term use

of the space through asset transfer. I was interested in a compelling session called at

the same time about the use of Open Space in rehearsal/ creation processes, so we

found an ending and went our separate ways.


urbanism, Placemaking, Urbanism, Spatial Practices, Civic Practice, Art and
