Your reports Find reports Is the internet destroying the magic of theatre? Is the internet destroying the magic of theatre? Lucy Slade, 26 September 2012 We thought that being able to look up the play on youtube and watch the whole of it without having to go to the theatre would hinder the experience and real life atmosphere of the theatre. We looked at the different possibilities of advertising the theatre, many people in the discussion came up with performing random flash mobs so people interested in the theatre arts would be able to get involved. Live actors advertising live theatre means we can support the theatre programme and keep the atmosphere of going to the theatre strong. Some of the people in the discussion included real life experiences of how people involved in the theatre could advertise in different interesting ways, one of them added they had seen still life actors in a shop window who would interact with passer bys by moving when the audience looked at them and then add on talking to them about their theatre. Lucy Slade, Alanah Lee, Olympia Agorini, Corran Marriott, Chelsey, Chris, Kim, Faith, Jane, Katherine. Tags: open space, Open Space, Youtube, Advertisements, Trailers, magical, programme, Theatres, Programme, actors, Open space, Actors, theatres, Internet, internet, trailers