Your reports Find reports Is (or are the higher echelons of) theatre still controlled by an Oxbridge mafia? Is (or are the higher echelons of) theatre still controlled by an Oxbridge mafia? Convener(s): Matthew Participants: Various people…. Sorry no names apart from Gemma and Anne Summary of discussion, conclusions and/or recommendations: Do connections get you anywhere/everywhere? No doubt that Oxford and Cambridge are centres of excellence – they create good thinkers. Does an Oxbridge education give you confidence, assurance, a sense of a right to be in the world? Networks can be created and used very quickly – you can get far fast How can we stop theatre from being nepotistic Some discussion which defined Cambridge as propelling more people to the higher positions in British theatre It’s a broader issue of the establishment in Britain, of old boys’ networks etc Is there a case for people who are more interested in their careers than creating high quality work? Is there an impenetrable layer at the top of the industry (e.g. running the National) which goes almost exclusively to Oxbridge educated people? Taking it back to school education – public school gives you the opportunities that others do not have – the expectation that you will achieve – that the money will be there. Some sense that people who went to Cambridge have to work even harder to justify their position. Is it different for men/women to succeed from Oxbridge. As well as a university mafia, there’s a drama school mafia: RADA, Central CONCLUSIONS: If you can’t get into the gang, form your own – perhaps we could have a Devoted and Disgruntled Mafia!