For those that attend the session, do forgive me, I don't all your names!
The session began rather quietly... not surprising as this is a topic that seems to make a consistent appearance in one way or another at D&D. The session had two aspects to it. First, how to find a producer one that will stay the course, and second how to become a producer.

We began with producers: What does a producer do?
The role of the producer is very diverse. There is the 'producers spectrum' from book-keeping up to creative producer and in amongst the mix is the portfolio producer: who has a range of clients. Another model to look at is the two-producer model, for when the work is both varied (i.e not only performance work) and multi-faceted.
The important thing for artists is to identify the parts of producing works that the artist definitely wants the producer to look after.

Artists are advised to write an advert which says:
Who the artist is, what kind of producer they are looking for
It’s possible to find a producer through describing the work you do and your vision for future making.

The conversation moved on to where producers could be found:
Producers Pool: London based network of producers
UK Theatre Producers: a network of 6000 producers, where producers speak to each other about the producing role
Producers School, Leeds: Emma Beverley set up the school to support emerging producers

Other ways are to join facebook groups:
UK Stage Management
Equity Stage Management
LIPA Graduates
That Girl From Backstage (yes, it’s the name of the group!)UK Theatre Network
Backstage Theatre Jobs
Whichever method used to source a producer it’s important to always find a reference for that producer. Know who you are working with.

How do you get to be a producer?
There are various ways of doing so. There are lots of arts managements and leadership in the arts courses. There aren’t currently courses for creative producing internationally.There are three ways that could start a producing career. Most do so straight from uni, producing a student show that could be taken to Edinburgh. Second make a business card and call yourself a producer!

Another way is to find an internship with an arts organisation:
Cambridge Junction are more than happy to have interns and Production Exchange run by Colin Blumenan, internships nationally, international internships are also possible
Mountview has currently 14 students in need of producing experience. From this I took to mean head to the accredited performance arts schools and find hungry and ready emerging producers!
And there is a MA in Creative Producing course in Nottingham

There was of course the question of funding and whether funding should be in place before finding a producer… this particular question wasn’t resolved.

For me, there is one concern which has yet to be resolved… how to source and involve producers of colour?

Do comment, let's keep the conversation going!