How do we stop people thinking theatre is not their 'cup of tea'?

Deborah Foote, 29 September 2012

Is the word ‘theatre’ inaccessible?
Are the people making theatre not like them? Have we got representative critics and do we encourage enough critical awareness? Do we need to appeal to
everyone? Is education essential to introduce ‘theatre’ and in its many forms? Have we got truly ‘welcoming’ venues? Should we be selling the theatre experience as a whole and less the show? Do we meet audience expectations and do we need to be clear about what to expect? What should it cost and does a ‘free ticket’ initiative succeed in cultivating a paid audience over time? Does making the theatre process more visible make it more accessible? Will ‘excellence’ get them back and does a bad experience put them off completely? Why is the timing often so regimented in a creative space? Why is so much innovative theatre in the evening and not necessarily accommodating people who could/would attend at other times?



cost, education, expectations, time restrictions, critical representation, Education, appeal, excellence, visibility, accessibility