How do we find a great patron?

Sarah Fanning, 11 July 2012

Sarah Fanning and Natalie Querol

Sarah started the conversation by explaining that over the past few weeks we (Theatre Hullabaloo) have been discussing the appropriateness of Patronage and consequently how we would go about exploring who we should approach and why this would indeed be beneficial for us.

Sarah explained that patrons are recognisably used in other sectors to great benefit but was unsure (being relatively new to the Arts sector) how valuable they were in respect of the work in which TH do. Sarah felt that in a commercially orientated sector that most Patrons have an address book worth significantly more than a single monetary donation and with the combined help and endorsement of a particular patron that added benefit could come from the relationship.

We discussed various starting points including looking at Children's authors, actors and presenters from the region and that it may be a good idea to approach a number of possible patrons that would cover a multitude of backgrounds including Authors, Actors, Business leaders, Policy Makers and Education leaders.

We discussed the need for a clear job description and making an offering that was time limited and not exclusive.

Natalie suggested that It may be worth exploring who the patrons of Seven Stories and Little Angel Theatre are - as a means for inspiration.

Any advise on this or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Patronage, Fundraising, Sponsorship, Membership, Patrons, Endorsement, Donations

Comments: 1

Phelim McDermott, 12 July 2012

Little Angel's patron is Clve Owen!