Issue: How do we encourage outsiders?

Convener(s): Roddy Maude-Roxby

Participants: Sam Bailey, Alyn Gwyndaf, Sarah Entwistle, Monique Sterling, Roger, Laura Cubitt, Anna Barrett, Usa Hammond, Polly, Julie, Nick Wood, Ginnie Stephens, Sally Christopher 

Summary of discussion, conclusions and/or recommendations:

  • Finding crossovers from TV, theatre – what are the limitations?
  • The use of architecture work.
  • An urban construction site was artificially created.
  • People popping up in public spaces.
  • Happenings on tubes, in libraries.
  • Using masks.
  • Looking for gallery spaces that would allow experimentation.
  • One woman spoke of script editing and coming to this group not knowing how she would develop her own ideas.       Here was an opportunity to dream.
  • We spoke of outsider art. John Cage.



Outsiders include Edward Lear, Joe Orton, Alfred Wallis, Jarry, Andrew Bailey, Kontar, Rimband, Ken Campbell, Adolf Woolfi, Fernando Pessoa, Guy Dartnell, Emily Dickinson, Virginia Woolf, Irene worth, Josef Pluhar, Rose English, Alice Purcell, Alice Powler, Henry Dorger, Larca, Max Miller, Witkatzy, Tommy Kooper, Wee Belonglizard, Keith Johnstone, Moon Dog