Your reports Find reports How can we wrest the money from the administrators and bureaucrats and give it to the artists? How can we wrest the money from the administrators and bureaucrats and give it to the artists? Convener(s): Gill Hambleton Participants: Richard Kingdom Summary of discussion, conclusions and/or recommendations: Touring schemes holding the funds and intervening between theatre companies and audiences. Theatres companies in a better position to facilitate and effect contact, eliminate the middlemen. Inefficiencies of Arts Council Touring too many hoops for not enough money Support emerging companies – project manage Fresh: Live Art and New performance festival: Balancing the budget and the ‘Art’ Difficulties for the artist to decide on who gets in and how can we pay the full fee? Guilt. Schemes and bodies existing simply to justify their own existence. Money available for making business plans, courses and feasibility studies but not to make/do the art. Arts Council wages and actors on less than minimal wage. Big companies lead by chief execs who are not artists