We began the session with a small with answering why we each decided to attend the session, followed by a discussion on how people in the UK respond to Oppression, then a lively discussion on the differences between American and British comedy. We concluded that, yes the answer to this question is needed and could ideally take the form of one-off or a series of workshops in partnerships with theatres that have existing relationships to BAME communities and audiences. Next steps include outreach to theatres in London and beta testing the workshop.

Why did you choose this session?
- Desire to learn how to tackle the current situation and laugh at ourselves in the right way. Don't want two different types of laughter in the rom
- Desire to get more out of improv
Want to listen
Comedy is a big part of the future of theatre
Sexism with homophobia; in some countries, like Japan, sexuality is not discussed. TV produces use camp and drag as a stereotype for characters. LGBT is natural and not represented as such.
- Desire to learn how to incorporate a first draft of a show to include more comedy
- Already doing work at a Dutch Theatre company, using comedy de la arte to make fun of the oppressors
- The questions evokes curiosity about how to use comedy

How does the UK typically respond to oppression?
- Accept it, push it down and move on

How is humour in America different than here (UK)?
- Discussed categories of stand-up like blue comedy where certain content is not permitted for all audiences (sex, violence, etc.)

Also discussed a possible process and collaboration with a drama therapist to support processing trauma that could come up in these workshops.

Also shared possible theatres to collaborate with and examples of comedians’ that currently talk about oppression in their comedy.

Key Takeaways: "Positivity is a revolutionary means," "Laughing normalizes for oneself and allows someone to accept what is in their control"