Help for writing final evaluation reports for funding bodies:

annette Lidster, 29 September 2012

Joined: Annette, Phelim,Kath, Chris, Charly, Deiniol, Michael, Jan.

Initially people seemed to gravitate to other buzzy, exciting topics..........that would be my response too..... as the idea of the final evaluation reports in the given, restrictive format that is offered by e-reporting systems is not rivetting for me.
Eventually joined by another person with suggestions of getting someone to ask me questions and to write the conversation as the report.

Then explored daring to do it differently: set own agenda for the report to be submitted. Use pictures? Describe the engagement of one participant then write ‘multiplied by X’
Spreadsheets are the ‘game’.

Discussed how the approach to the report activity reflected one's own attitude....need to structure it more carefully into the project, then it can be part of the ‘fun and rewarding’ activity rather than a chore at the end. GOOD POINT for me to take on-board.

Referred to a funding doc where EVERY invoice over £100 had to be described individually, each on a little chart (invoice no, date, provider-name, sum, category of budget) plus the invoice scanned and available. It took hours!
Someone with financial experience used EXCEL as a single-project reporting system: necessary for a big organisation running several projects....but may be relevant for very small organisations too.

Then the topic moved on.....discussions about much Arts activity depending on volunteers. Concern that reliance on volunteers could lack some of the input from experienced practitioners that stretches people....mixing the two seems good so volunteers skill-up by working with experinced practitioners.

Helpful ideas ......and lots to think about.


evaluation, Funding, funding, practitioner skills., Planning, Evaluation, spreadsheet, volunteers, planning