Amy Clare Tasker, 25 January 2015

Connecting artists and advocates for gender equality.

There are so many conversations about gender, men, women, trans and gender queer

identities, and how the performances of these identities affects our work in theatre.

How can we connect these conversations, these advocates, these organisations,

these initiatives?

How can we create a space where everyone feels invited to the conversation, whether

they are male, female, trans, or any other gender?

GAP Salon (Gender and Performance) an open space style discussion group which

meets monthly in person, as well as keeping in touch via a facebook group where we

share articles, casting notices, questions, and ideas.

Find us at and @GAPsalon on Twitter

Connecting today:

Amy Clare Tasker, GAP Salon

Lucy Avery, playwright

Ellan Parry, designer

Chloe France, director

Andrea Carr, designer

Francis Christeller, dancer and programmer

Tracy Gentles, producer

Leo Burton, producer

Emma Rucastle, director

Lucy Scott, Roundhouse young people's programme

Nik Paldi, director


Organisations and Festivals to check out:

Hear Me Roar feminist festival, Lancaster

Split Britches, NYC lesbian performance artists

“Woman Theory” - an academic movement to publish only work which includes

women as well as men

Big Girls Blouse by Kate O'Donnell, transwoman solo performance at Queer Contact

in Manchester

Clod Ensemble, woman led company with male and female artistic directors

How to Be a Man - show at OvalHouse in May

Phil Purvis book: Masculinity in Opera

Woman Up: a series of talks and events

Rose Company, an all female theatre focusing on classical works, in Lancaster

Thanks everyone for these references and recommendations! Hope to speak to you all

again soon!


Gender, Women, transgender, men, gender, feminism, Feminism, women