Gate-Keepers ( or Obstructions to Involvement)

Convener(s):  Stephen Darcy 

Participants:  Allen O’Leary, Kerry, Tim, John Spooner,  Ellis,  John

Summary of discussion, conclusions and/or recommendations:

What is a Gate-Keeper?  Are we all gate – keepers in some way?  Can we be more open? 

For Writers;  Perseverence….

The Gate Keeper is not necessarily an enemy.   What are the agents – casting and literary looking for?  A happy marriage?  A positive relationship.

Directors usually want everyone to be ‘The One’.

We are Gate Keepers of the Language:  ie for any non English speakers in this country we are the social/political/ cultural barrier… or facilitators.  Eg doctor,social worker,dole officer,

Kerry said, “ I am a gate keeper…The artist must seek to find the right gate keeper.  It’s a relationship.”

Why do we do it?  The industry is like a machine.  “In New Zealand I’m on the inside.  Here I’m on the outside” (Allen O’Leary)  Why do we persevere?   Coz it’s more fun on the inside….. 

Obstructions:    Please Add…

I’m not successful because………………………………………………………….   

I’m wrong! 

I’ve got the wrong body / hair / look / style / voice / colour / gender / ethnicity…………………………………………………………………………………

[Please Add]…………………………………………………………………………….


I haven’t met the right……………………………………………………………………

I haven’t done the leg-work / research / classes / training……………………..........


I don’t have enough Talent!  (the facilitator finds this point particularly controversial)……………………………………………………………………………


Maybe it is the wrong gate.

Maybe I’m using the wrong key.  Wrong lock ……………………..

Maybe Try and step away from the gate. 

Is the gate an institution or person?  I can chat to anyone in person ie Literary manager of the national.  But I can’t pick up the phone and call.  Pourquoi?

“I know lots of gate keepers.  They’re lovely.  If I ask them for a job it’s the end of the friendship.”  John

I want to run the marathon in under 3 hours!  I run it in 3.20.  Success or Failure?


Start your own party!     And keep at it!