Your reports Find reports Escalator Artists - How to make the network work? Escalator Artists - How to make the network work? Kath Burlinson, 29 September 2012 Participants: Kath Burlinson, Daniel Brine, Deborah Foote, Hugh Chapman, Chris Grady (joined later) Discussion focused on the possibility of creating an on-line directory of and for Escalator Artists. I raised this subject because having been part of two different Escalator schemes (East to Edinburgh, twice, and Escalator Performing Arts), I found the sense of strong community in E to E entirely lacking in Escalator PA. Daniel explained the complexity of the Escalator umbrella and the range of organisations involved in the overall scheme. This has an impact on the possibility and plausibility of a directory, but does not make it an impossibility. Given the recent appointment of Daniel Pitt in the role of Producer, Arts at the Junction and the new energy he will bring, there may be ways forward in terms of connecting artists across the region. While I nwas typing up this report, Claire Somerfield informed me that during her time at ACE East, a database of all Escalator artists across all art forms existed. It was started in 2005. I will pass this information on to Daniel and Daniel! Tags: east, directory, Region, East, Escalator, network, online