Enlivened Learning: Re-imagining theatre and Performing Arts education Alan Mandel Butler, 14 January 2017 The discussion we had in this session revolved around the state of current theatre education in schools and colleges and what could be done in the future to challenge perception of theatre and performing arts education. Ideas touched upon included; Challenging how teachers are trained - from the concept of a self perpetuating cycle of mediocrity in the training of teachers Being open - ensuring that there is a constant dialogue and openness to the approach of education and the real world aspects of theatre that are prevalent to society as a whole Sharing your own context - true re-engagement in education and learning must be from an individual perspective. Each and every student and educator have their own stories and perceptions for contextual analysis of their situation and how they can change / develop it. Being an individual should be embraced and not sidelined to fit into a stauts quo Being vulnerable - being comfortable in being uncomfortable and being allowed to make mistakes. Mistakes are a tremendous part of the learning process and should be embraced. Vulnerability as a performer and as an educator should be encouraged to continue to break boundaries, ask questions and make change