Your reports Find reports Delight (what delights us in theatre) Delight (what delights us in theatre) Convener(s): Alex Scott Participants: Unrecorded Summary of discussion, conclusions and/or recommendations: This was a positive, exciting conversation from which we have created a list of delights!... Shameless theatricality Surprises changes of scale unexpected skills Real, unpredictable things on stage, the possibility of error, actors overcoming danger dogs cooking children Accidents that are incorporated. Naughtiness A show that is advertised as being ticketed, but when you arrive at the box office it is free. Swordfights (and pirates). Gifts for the audience (material and metaphorical, all the action is ‘for’ them) Switching roles ugly people made pretty, pretty made ugly. Serious people made silly and vice versa. Moments that are unafraid of being obvious. Dry ice (not smoke) Stage magic (star cloths, fairy lights, trap doors, secrets) Science experiments, explosions, things/people on fire. Childhood dreams being performed (sliding down stairs on a mattress etc.) Playing Improvisation Excess (of anything e.g. a thousand balloons falling) Spectacle Water Mess Displays of skill (precision, apparently superhuman skills) Lack of skill for comic effect Obvious effort An experience that starts at the door of the theatre Recklessness/inappropriate actions Performers who include the audience in their own delight at performing. Being on someone’s side Being won over by a character Silliness Villains Tiny details The feeling that you are being shown a secret Honesty of trickery (seeing how things are made) Visible creativity- seeing something made from nothing Object manipulation Structure Getting lost