D&D Edinburgh Fringe: How do we share Fringe excellence with rest of UK? - Fringe creates inspiration for new work, new festivals, even ideas like pubs hosting showso Need for skills sharing- Touringo Fringe Society made Marketplace – gap of shows that are hoping to tour but aren’t using it Getting lost in emails? Another thing for busy producers to do? As a result, programmers aren’t using ito Need for venues to be transparent on their timelines, tech specs, programming policy Venues North Routes In guide https://arconline.co.uk/take-part/for-artists/current-projects/venues-north/ o Burden is on independent producers to individually email venues -> burden should shift to people on salaried hours (e.g. in venues) Venues are short staffed – large number of enquiries not able to be answered Importance of making relationships between programmers and artists -> can be difficult if programmers move on Idea of Fringe Society supporting drop-in sessions for programmers to meet artists- Not all work made to succeed at Edinburgh is going to work for touringo Artists might not be able to recognise thiso Importance of producers/venues meeting with artists to create relationship which could lead to commissions- Connecting with regional artistso There used to be venues which hosted for instance Welsh worko International delegations have become a big thing and do well. o Idea to look at regional delegations/networks -> maybe this is something venues need to take a lead on - Idea of having a Fringe TV channelo People not able to come to the Fringe – audience and industry o There was some on-demand work in the pandemic – unclear how successful this was, and it’s not happening anymore Nothing beats live experience!o Creating filmed work is expensive! Could there be support with this? - Fringe Society should host case studies so artists have a chance to read about experiences that aren’t the huge success stories like Fleabag & Baby Reindeer. These could include artists who have brought work multiple times, tours of work following the fringe, etc. - There needs to be better understanding of what artist’s specific aims are? o Aims have shifted, for instance more work now being pitched at TV