Your reports Find reports Creu Gwaith Newydd sy'n Herio heb golli Cynulleidfa / Creating challenging New Work without losing Audience Creu Gwaith Newydd sy'n Herio heb golli Cynulleidfa / Creating challenging New Work without losing Audience Jerry Hunter, 7 July 2012 Please scroll down for English Dyna'r cwestiwn mawr i'n tybd ni - sut mae creu gwaith newydd sy'n herio heb golli - neu a chadw/denu/datblygu/tyfu - cyneilludfa ar yr un pryd? Ond fel llawer o gwestiynau pwysig, mae ceisio ei ateb yn esgor ar lwyth o gwestiynau eraill: 1) Herio - sut? ym mha ffordd? nifer o ffyrdd ar yr un pryd? Yn gelfyddydol . . . yn wleidyddol . . . yn bersonol . . . yn ariannol . . . a.y.y.b. Herio rhagfarn, herio rhagdybiaethau, herio'n ieithyddol (a hynny ym mhob ffordd - nid yn unig o ran y ddwy brif iaith yng Nghymru ond o ran gwahanol gyweiriau iethyddol) 2) Cynlleidfa - sut mae diffinio cynulleidfa? Pwy/beth sy'n cyfrif? A'r holl ferfau pwysig: cadw cynulleidfa, denu cynulleidfa, tyfu . .. datblygu . . . plesio . . . ac, unwaith eto, herio cynulleidfa . . . Beth yw'r berthynas rhwng y cwestiynau hyn a^ strwythurau/cyd-destunau cenedlaethol - arian, sefydliadau . . . y ffordd orau o ddosbarthu/ddefnyddio adnoddau diriaethol er mwyn cyrraedd cymaint o bobl a^ phobl (a chymaint o wahanol fathau o bobl) . . . a gwarantu safon ar yr un pryd ? (y cwestiwn amlwg - sut mae diffinio ‘safon’?) Y berthynas efo'r cyfryngau eraill - adolygwyr - trafodaethau cyhoeddus - fforwm - pau - cymuned ddehongliadol - adwaith, barnu, beirniadu, cefnogi . . . yn allweddol i'r holl broses o ran herio a datblygu cynulleidfa ar yr un pryd,. Comisynu gwaith newydd!!!! Mae'r ‘clasuron’ yn iawn, yn wir, yn bwysig, ond mae rhaid comisynu gwaith newydd . . .. Ydi hi'n fwy o broblem yn y Gymraeg? Oherwydd maint - pawb yn nabod pawb - nepotistiaeth (real neu wedi'i chanfod - yn agored i'r cyhuddiad o nepotistiaeth). Ac, eto, herio - yn wyneb sensoriaeth ar adegau? - archwilio pethau anodd, anghyfforddus - dod a^ phethau perthnasol ond eto yn y cysgodion i ganol y llwyfan! ——————————————————————————————— That’s the big question for our world – how to create new work that challenges but does not lose – or retains/attracts/develops/grows – audience at the same? But as with many important questions, trying to answer it brings forth a load of other questions: 1) Challenging – how? In what way? Number of ways at the same time? Artistically...politically...personally. financially...etc. Challenging prejudice, challenging presumptions, challenging linguistically (and that in all ways – not only in the two main languages of Wales but also in terms of different linguistic moods) 2) Audience – how is an audience defined? Who/what counts? And all the important verbs: retaining an audience, attracting an audience, growing... developing...pleasing...and, once again, challenging an audience... What is the relationship between these questions and national structures/contexts – funding, establishments...the best way of distributing/using concrete resources in order to reach as many people as possible (and as many different kinds of people) ...and guaranteeing standards at the same time? (the obvious question – how to define ‘standards’?) The relationship with the other media – reviewers – public debates – forum – payment – interpretive community – reaction, assessment, criticism, support...of key importance to the whole process in terms of challenging and developing the audience at the same time. Commissioning new work!!!! The ‘classics’ are all right, indeed important, but new work has to be commissioned.... Is this more of a problem in Welsh? Because of size – everyone knows everyone else – nepotism (real or perceived – it is open to the charge of nepotism). And, again, challenging – in the face of censorship at times? – investigating difficult, uncomfortable things – bringing things that are relevant but despite that in the shadows to centre stage! Tags: Risk, audiences, new work, theatr sy'n herio, diffinio, datblygu cynulleidfa, risk