Before anyone else arrived I wrote this in my notebook:

"Our information ecosystem is the complex interconnected network of stuff that we take in and put out there. It the system of relationships that we have with systems of ideas. It has become hugely complex and it's a mess. It's messed up in a similar way to how we see our physical, environmental ecosystems being messed up. Both are polluted by people who see their environment as separate from themselves, who are able to divorce themselves from the responsibility of keeping the environment healthy and clean.

This applies to each of us here as much as it does to Steve Bannon or Dominic Cummings or the corporately-owned news media or even the advertising/PR complex which has subsumed the web and social media."

That's where I was starting from.

Much of our discussion held a tension between top-down prescription and bottom-up actions. We talked about media-literacy and providing information hazmat suits. We also talked about personal responsibility and the difficulty of maintaining personal standards when helping create communications as our job. The majority in the group favoured regulation of social technology companies. I pointed out problems with this approach but most felt the ends justified the means.

Paul Levy introduced us to the Ego Index (a way of measuring how personal a writing style is) and his observations on how his digital writing differs from handwriting in this regard.