Your reports Find reports Can theatre Survive a Recession Can theatre Survive a Recession Sam Buist, 5 September 2012 Does theatre need money to survive? More attractive offers to audiences? How to access other income sources - finding creative ways to achieve this? Has theatre over-relied on the few paying a lot?\ Is theatre affected by funding and people's disposable income - if not is there a way to become more creative? A shift in our cultural landscape meaning older audience member our more accustomed to live performances - younger more use to digital mediums - requires the shift in thinking within the arts? Theatre needs re-branding? Funding is metropolitan centric - the arts has cultural hubs (e.g. Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Birmingham and London? Arts not considered essential like the N.H.S, allowing the arts council to support pet project and not consider the needs of non-metropolitan places? Theatre and cultural industries are key to beating the recession. Recession is Darwinian - survival of the fittest. Organisations must evolve or face extinction. Guild and London Olympics opening cerenomy is an example of how theatre can engage individuals on all levels. Theatre need to place itself in venues that are more accessible to individuals - for example pubs, community centres etc (The Continental, Tringe, Light Night and MAPs are good examples of this happening in Preston). This can also be self-funded by drink and food sales. A need for groups of enthusiastic volunteers who are willing to give up their time and effort for local events - e.g. Guild and the London Olympics…can this support other grassroot events like Tringe x Tags: Preston, Recession, recession, Olympics, fringe, Grassroots, Fringe, grassroots