Your reports Find reports Bullying & Safeguarding Royal Exchange has created a handbook on safeguardingsafe to create (website)contracts: behaviour clauseunionsformal complaintsgovernance and accountabilityhas lock down affected behaviours? have been come out full throttle and there are people that do not filter?is there any room for the archaic "to be good means also to not be a nice person" front?Aggressive behaviour or silent treatment => it is how people feel that matters not so much the actions - although some examples or real toxicity, aggressiveness and putting people down were discussed. Afterthought: even in the safe environment that was created in the Tortoise circle, amazingly no one including myself wanted to name names.Repeat behaviourIntellectual property and bullying (Burn Bright example)HOW DO WE DEAL WITH ALL OF THESE IN A RESTORATIVE WAY?Check ins + embedding wellbeing - not just ticking boxes.Having an unbiased independent 3d party in the room - wellbeingCommonwealth -list of 10 questionsArks - Canadian TheatreCOLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY + SILENCEstanding up for something vs the fear for damage to career(same kind of problems with #metoo)collective actionmost times you are not alone but only think you areNAME ON THE TABLEcultural shift/open to feedback and criticismshould the debrief only happen in the end? - is there silence to just get on with it so the show goes up/goes on?WHY CAN'T PEOPLE JUST BE NICE?one must not suffer for their art.POWER dynamicnaming the power in the roomsilence around the powerzero tolerance named from the start and keeping to itPOWER AND RESPONSIBLE LEADERSHave we lost the nice people due to brexit and pandemic? Have we backtracked too much on all real progress in all issues on diversity, inclusivity and accessibility and are we just ticking boxes now?to be continued