Clara Giraud, 24 January 2015

…or practical solutions to make work inclusive in today's context.

-With all access, the first step is an invitation.

- Encouraging theatre companies to think about access

FEAR around difference, skills, confidence….people, including arts professionals and

the ones running venues, don't feel like they have the permission to ASK about

disability. They do.

You have the permission to ask your audiences what they'd like from you.

DON'T ASSUME that disability is visable

Access can be embedded in the artistic practice.

We should build up expectations, the more artists ask venues if they provide access

the more venues will try and do so.

Some practical solutions:

- touchtours: easy to do and free!

- audio flyer: easy to do and free!

- relaxed performances

- enhanced script version when there are visually impaired audiences

- offering synopsis of the show on company/venue website

- engaging with audiences after the show

- asking venues if they have access budgets for BSL interpretations and audio


- Creative Scotland and Arts Council England see budgets including access costs for

audiences positively - don't assume that £2000 extra will make it less attractive to

fund….it actually might on the contrary!

- establishing and embedding access sensitivity within the creative process

Present in the session: Clara Giraud, Jess Thom, Michelle Walker, Emma Cameron,

Eve Leigh, Esther McAnley, Selma Dimitrijevic, Donna Wilkin, Catherine Fowles….and



Audiences, artists, audiences, Access, access, bsl, creativeprocess, interpreter,

Inclusive, BSL, inclusive, Disability, venues, Artists, disability, Venues