What's on Event access information Deaf and hard-of-hearing For our larger ticketed events, we book two BSL interpreters as a standard provision. We will do our best to book more if there's demand for them. Sometimes budgets don't allow this, in which case you are welcome to bring your own interpreter who will be admitted free of charge. At our smaller free events, we can provide interpreters on request with a minimum of one week's notice. Contact us on [email protected] to request BSL interpretation. We are also happy to provide lip-speakers if you prefer. Acoustics at Open Space events can be difficult. We try to provide quieter break-out rooms where possible. We have one portable hearing loop which we set up at larger events to provide at least one break-out space that supports hard-of-hearing participants. We also have several Sonido hearing boosters you can borrow during our events. These work with your headphones or personal hearing loop to give a boost to speech frequencies. Captioning for Open Space events is difficult as participants work in smaller break-out groups for the majority of the event, and captioning all the simultaneous conversations is not currently an option. We are investigating ways that we might be able to include captioning as digital technology improves. If you've got ideas about how captioning might work, we'd love to know about them. Contact us to tell us your suggestions.