27 June 2017


D&D Satellite: What Can We All Do About Underrepresentation Of Working Class Actors In The Arts?


ND2, 1 Triton Square, London, NW1 3DX


An invitation from Jessica Bastick-Vines & Callan Durrant


 "..the Sutton Trust has shown that 42 per cent of all British BAFTA winners went to a private school, compared to just 25 per cent who went to a comprehensive school.”


Hi, we’re Jess and Callan from Equity’s Young Member’s Committee. As part of our of role on the committee, we aim to inform, support, encourage and engage members and potential members across the UK concerning issues that are facing performers under 30.


There is a big issue that dominates The Stage headlines at the moment and that is the issue of working class representation and employment on stage, on screen and in training. A lot of performers who come from working class backgrounds or who identify as working class struggle financially to support themselves through drama school, struggle to supplement their training after graduation and struggle to find work in what to them seems to be an increasingly selective industry.


We want to see if there is something that can be done to improve this situation and this is where you come in. To make change, we need to know what needs changing - so if you are a working class performer, we want to hear from you!


What are the real issues for you around this? Do you feel you are discriminated against in castings because of your background? Are there certain types of roles you feel you miss out on because you are not considered 'classy enough'? Did your education limit your exposure to the arts? Is there is a distinct lack of opportunity for actors from a working class background? Do you feel working class parts should simply go to working class actors, or do you think we should adopt the same principals as 'colourblind' casting. Free for all? We're actors after all....?!


Are you working class yourself, or perhaps you are an advocate of equality? Who do we need to address? Casting directors...producers...directors? Or do we need more working class writers? Perhaps we should be writing our own parts?


Come along and join us to share your questions, problems, ideas, goals, and expertise, and to solidify points of action to improve the situation. This is an opportunity for you to instigate the change you want to see. Whatever is up for you, whatever you want to work on, you can do that work.



We look forward to seeing you there.

Booking for this event has now closed.