Looking for places to put on open mic, or grass roots events, isn't easy and there weren't many people at this gathering, but we did discuss the need for starting up fringe and scratch nights. Venues mentioned were The Hope, that has an outside space and Honeywood House. Possibly asking Theatre delicatessen for advice on using an empty commercial building as a theatre space. Need a welcoming pub with a function room that has lights and PA ideally, however this is never the whole story. Trying to get a grass roots events that attract young people, diverse audiences and emerging artists as well as established arts supporters is an uphill struggle. Next steps would be to gain marketing and publicity help, a venue space and start up a one off event to attract local talent. Without new events starting up a scene, there is no organic arts scene from the next generations, so it's vitally important, but no conclusion or next viable steps came out. Suggestions welcome.