After having not practiced as a Feldenkrais Practitioner for a couple of years due to ill health and a crisis of confidence I thought the DandD would be a good setting to offer my skills and see how I felt about the whole thing, so I called a session to which about 5 people came so I decided to teach a group lesson ie and awareness through movement lesson. I didn't have anything prepared and we were sitting in a circle while around us some very passionate debate was going on, though traffic and every kind of distraction imaginable. However the valiant folk who came really got a lot out of if. All the people who came were women.

During the course of the first day a couple of people expressed an interest in doing a one to one session - Functional Integration. We used to Silent Space which was just perfect, there was even a mattress to work on. Both people greatly enjoyed and benefited from the lesson and experienced something very deep.

I repeated the same format the next day, Sunday. Again I had about 5 people attend. This time we set up in the Cloakroom area and this was warmer, quieter and the lights were dimmer. Again they all seemed to get something from it, and it made a difference to how they felt about being at the event.

As of writing I have not given a one to one session, but that could change.

I did feel it was really worth while to offer my skills and for it to be taken up. I feel more confident in my skills and has really helped me to connect with everyone here.

Thank you everyone