What platforms are there for work which includes actors and physical circus performers outside of corporate events? 

Convener(s): Di Sherlock

Participants: Sara Bynoe, Rikki Tarascos, Loren O’dair, Amelia Byrd, Natalie Fletcher. 

Summary of discussion, conclusions and/or recommendations:

Conversation included:

Minimal Arts Council funding available for this kind of fusion but Council giving more money to Producers so there lies a possible conduit – Companies like Fuel (producers of Clod Ensemble, Cinderella at Lyric), Scarabeus? Norwich Festival.

All agreed on popularity of site specific work and commercial potential (where/who are those visionary Producers? Why does Punchdrunk appear to have a monopoly on stuff that’s been done since 80’s)– Christmas shows (Rikki & Di – adaptations of Dickens)as well as large scale events (The Inferno in a multi story car park - di). Agreement on the preference for a narrative rather than random acts/spectacle however the story is told. Not Cirque.

Eden Project. Kommedia in Brighton lost funding. Arts Council – if the show involves food it’s ‘commercial’ ((Rikki)

Labyrinths project in schools – sensory journey/environments. Yr 8. (Grainne)

Locations. Upside of credit crunch – availability of buildings as developers are confronted with selling places they can no longer afford to develop. Canary Wharf? Rikki interesting location leads. Necessity of hoop jumping – going thro’ charitable entities to access funds. Astoria in Brighton does Stomp still own it? Salon Rouge. (on The Junction website). Funding for rural touring (who’s interested??!) unused Victorian Theatre in Alexandra Palace gloriously dilapidated perfect for work using actors and circus performers.

British compartMENTALisim. Selling of British theatre=Shakespeare.Text/ voice  control issues of Britishness (Rikki ) versus situation in Vancouver/Montreal (actor training includes physical circus skills`, holistic approach – (Sara)

Icelandic production of Woyzeck. Circus woven into text.