I've been leading a staff team for five years and trying to balance the promotion and facilitation of healthy, balanced and well professional and personal lives with the desire to be efficient, effective and excellent. These things aren't mutually exclusive but sometimes they feel like they are. I - personally - go through phases of wellness and phases of powerful professional productivity but rarely are they are they at the same time. How can we - as managers and leaders - look after our workforce?

- Get perspective - often the things we worry about, the things we're working to prevent are not that important. Do your best but typos aren’t important and your team need to know that.
- Connected teams
- Help your team feel like more than just their job - encourage them to participate in all aspects of their lives.
- Know your team, know the relationships in their lives, the roles they play and prioritise so you can support / understand them
- Organisations need resource and freedom to create a culture of wellness - Apple have a 10 days pattern: 7 working on your job, 2 days working on something associated with your job, 1 day doing something that isn't related to your job at all. Current structures and teams mean we need all those 10 days (if not more) on our jobs.
- Company donating a day of your time to volunteering - known to increase wellness - but when workload is building up, causes more stress.
- Trust people want to do their jobs and can do their jobs
- Logging hours feels very big brother but gives people permission to clock off / take their time back because it provides evidence. Without it, you might not feel entitled to finish early. Someone recommended the Toggle App as a way to log time.
- Office closing at the end of busy times to enable everyone to rest and restore in addition to any TOIL they might be owed.
- Let people determine how they want to work but still be invested as something the way people like to work isn’t necessary one that promotes wellness
- Provide a menu of potions
- Wellness is knowing what you’re doing
- Wellness - is remote working the future, you can decide how you work
- What do you need to work well? Ask the question - part of the agenda / how do we work?
- Appraisal as mechanism / question - that is about development inside and outside organisation
- Someone shared some research that when asked: what are you looking for out of your job? Clear direction, working towards something, shared objective, growing as a person were the most popular things.
- 4-6 weeks: check-ins. Check-ins should be different to line management meetings
- Speed check in at staff meetings - create a culture where that's ok.
- Utilise staff surveys