Theatr i fyfyrwyr - sut mae eu denu i theatr sydd ddim o anghenrhaid ar eu rhestr darnau gosod / Theatre for students – how to attract them to theatre that is not necessarily on their list of set texts.

Elen ap Robert, 7 July 2012

Please scroll down for English

Yn bresennol: Elen, Jodie,Doc, Sian, Lorraine,John

Yn ddiweddar dwi wedi bod yn meddwl mwy fwy am y sialens sydd gan Ganolfannau Theatr sydd yn rhan o Brifysgolion i gyrraedd at fyfyrwyr mewn modd ystyrlon. Denys ystadegau mai cyfartaledd bychan o fyfyrwyr sydd yn mynychu digwyddiadau yn y canolfannau hyn. Ond pam?

Dyma fynd i'r afael a hyn..., neu dechrau gwneud o leiaf.
Daeth 2 fyfyriwr i'r sesiwn a dyma felly geisio mynd i lygad y ffynnon. Dyma'r pwyntiau ddaeth allan...
Mae angen i ni ( sy'n trefnu rhaglen ddiwgyddiadau) wneud cysylltiad gyda myfyrwyr ..lle mae nhw hy mynd atyn nhw,
( Yn achos Bangor gallai hyn gynnwys cymdeithasau drama megis Soda, Beds, Rosta a'r Chymdeithas Ddrama Gymraeg ) .. ond yn fwy na hyn mynd i'w byd nhw yn gorfforol ac yn feddyliol.
Mae angen i'n sianeli cyfathrebu fod yn ddibynadwyr ac effeithiol ac mae angen i fyfyrwyr allu rhoi wynebau i'r bobl sydd yn cyfathrebu a nhw.
Awgrymwyd y gellid mynd ati'n fethodolegol a 1) creu holiadur i'w ddanfon at bob

myfyriwr er mwyn dod o hyd i'r prif themau sydd yn bwysig iddynt
2)rhannu'r wybodaeth yn segmentau a 3) targedu grwpiau penodol.
Mae angen i ni ddeall yn well cydestun diwylliannol ein myfyrwyr. Mae John sydd yn dod o Tseina yn cyfeirio at ei gymuned o bobl fel rhai swil sydd yn cadw at eu hunain gyda'i gilydd - yr hyn sydd yn huno yw unigolyddiaeth. Ac wrth i ni feddwl am gyrraedd at ein cymuned ifanc drwy platfform megis Facebook gwae ni..gymryd rhai pethau'n ganiataol. Gwaherddir Facebook yn Tseina felly nid yw myfyrwyr Tsieniaid Prifysgol Bangor ( sydd ymhlith y garfan sydd yn cynyddu fwyaf o fewn myfyrwyr Bangor) yn ei ddefnyddio fel modd o wybod am yr hyn sydd yn digwydd - nid yw'n berthnasol iddyn nhw'n ddiwylliannol"
Sylw arall yw y gallwn ddod o hyd i fan cyswllt trwy archwilio tebygrwydd rhwng ein diwylliannau - awgrymwyd y ddraig yn achos Cymru a Tsiena.
Daeth rhai syniadau eraill - mewn canolfan Celfyddydau ac Arloesi newydd sbon fel fydd gennym ym Mangor yn 2014, fydd yn gyfuniad o theatr berfformio, stiwdio, bocs gwyn, sinema a darlithfeydd.... efallai y gellid mynd a theatr i'r ddarlithfa..ei hun??!

Y gair oedd yn ymdreddio dwry'r holl drafodaeth oedd gwell dealltwriaeth a deialog .....


Present: Elen, Jodie, Doc, Sian, Lorraine, John

I have recently been thinking more and more about the challenge facing Theatre Centres that are part of Universities in reaching out to students in a meaningful way. Statistics show that it is a small percentage of students who attend events at these centres. But why?

Trying to grapple with this..or at least starting to do so.

Two students came to this session and so an attempt was made to find out directly. Here are the points that came out...
There is a need for us (those who organize an events programme) to make the link with students ... where they are, i.e. go to them.

(In the case of Bangor this could include drama societies like Soda, Beds, Rosta and the Welsh language drama society)...but, more than this, to get into their world physically and mentally.
Our communication channels need to be dependable and effective, and students need to be able to put faces to the names of the people who communicate with them.

It was suggested this could be done methodologically and a) create a questionnaire to send to every student to find the main themes that are important to them
2) segment the information and 3) target specific groups.
We need to better understand the cultural context of out students. John, who comes from China, refers to his community of people as shy and keeping to themselves and staying together – what unites them is individuality. And as we think of trying to reach out to our young community by using a platform such as Facebook, we should be very wary of taking things for granted. Facebook is prohibited in China, so the Chinese students at Bangor University (who are amongst the group increasing most within Bangor students) do not use it as a way of finding out what’s happening – it is not culturally relevant to them.

Another comment is that we can find a contact point by investigating similarity between our cultures – the dragon was suggested in the case of Wales and China. Some other ideas appeared – in a brand new Arts and Innovation centre such as we will have in Bangor in 2014, which will be a combination of performance theatre, studio, white box, cinema and lecture theatres...maybe theatre could be taken to the lecture theatre ..itself??!

The message permeating through the whole debate was better understanding and dialogue....

Increasing audience amongst students, Theatre in arts centres, the Chinese community at universities, Students and Arts centres


Myfyrwyr a Chanolfannau Celfyddydol, cymuned Tseiniaidd mewn prifysgolion, Theatr mewn canolfannau celfyddydol, Cynyddu cynulleidfa ymhlith myfyrwyr, students, Arts Centres, Students and Arts centres, Theatre in arts centres, arts centres, the Chinese community at universities, China, Increasing audience amongst students