Attendees: Kate Webster, Richard Popple, John Whitney & Antigone Spamou

Host: Katie McLeod

The conversation started by talking about the length of my piece and that I would need to condense it to an hour to turn it into a short film.

It was suggested that I perform the piece as just record the audio to get a feel for how it would work on radio.

We then moved on to discussing how I could continue to work on the piece in its theatrical form to get exposure and funding:

* Derby - Departure Lounge
* Warwick - Pilot Night
* New Diorama
* The Bunker - 16th March - workshops that may be useful
* CPT - New Work Nights 'Calm Down Dear' & 'Live'

Other opportunities for the piece:

* Perform it at schools and Universities, contacts - Head Teachers and Welfare Officers

Charities to contact for support

*Sara Charlton Charitable Foundation
*Womens Aid

We also talked about stand up and I got lots of great pointers and encouragement. The chat was incredibly uplifting and helpful.