The main thread of this D&D Satellite was to look at the impact that existing and/or new networks could have on the work of artists and organisations who work with disability. One of the open space discussions focused particularly on what a brand new network, formed by the people in the room, might look like. We discussed existing provision, gaps / need, what we each felt we wanted to get out of such a network, and how we might make it happen... Key points were: - An emphasis on pooling resources, skills and knowledge, particularly around funding, development and sustainability. People felt that they had the ideas and passion, but often lacked the funding to make opportunities and projects happen, so that felt like the area in which a supportive network could have the most benefit. - An interest in having an online / virtual network space or a place to share information / best practice etc. This could be a Wiki, or other democratic knowledge / info space. Could be a place to connect artists, audiences and organisations / producers. - Lots of interest in meeting regularly in the real world. Idea of networking organisations to take in in turns to host a get together (a bit like STAMP). During the conversation, it became clear that different individuals and organisations have different priorities and needs - especially given the range of attendees at the mini-conference. We agreed that there could be no quick solution to the needs of everybody in the room, and that it may be the case that multiple solutions would be required. For example, one person in the group felt that they would really benefit from a 'knowledge bank', where they could head to for information about best practices; whereas another member felt it more important for their organisation to meet with other professionals and artists to be able to explore possible new collaborations and partnerships. These are clearly quite different needs / solutions. Through further conversations it was agreed that the most important thing, and at least the first step, is for those who met to stay in touch. It was suggested that we arrange regular get togethers - partly social, partly networking - with members of the network volunteering to host if they have space. There was also a conversation around other possible artists and organisations who may be interested in this network - see attached images for some of these. OUTCOMES / FURTHER ACTION: - Drunken Chorus have contacted all attendees to give the chance for people to opt out, and will then form an online group for members to stay connected. - Drunken Chorus will also arrange a time for all members of this new network to have an initial get together, with a member of the network (one with space / a venue) hosting this. Members will be contacted about this. - At this first meeting members will have an opportunity to shape the future of the network. FIND OUT MORE: If you are interested in getting involved with this network please email [email protected].