Vicky Graham, 27 January 2013

Session called by: Vicky Graham

Attended by: Jasmine Woodcock-Stuart; Eva Liparova; Daniela Pasquini; Tom

Morton-Smith; Anna Coombs; Monica Nappo Kelly; Shirpa Ogra


As an independent producer who thinks best out loud, but doesn't have a team with

whom to do it, I was interested in meeting other independent producers / artists to get

together and act as sounding boards for one another.

Everyone present agreed that it would be helpful so the discussion moved on to THE


- Non-judgmental, confidential meetings at which people can voice and test very, very

early ideas

- No pressure for the listeners to solve / facilitate the speaker's idea

- A reciprocal format whereby everyone speaks, and everyone listens

- Restricted numbers. There is probably a tipping point at which the group becomes

too large and conversation too long

- There should be no pitches / auditions

- There should be a formula for presenting your question / idea, e.g. “how can I?” or

“should I?”

- A good idea to remind everyone that they are free to take or leave advice

- The only qualifying criteria should be a willingness to listen and to help

- It should be an ideas surgery, rather than an issues surgery


- Vicky to research action learning as a model to borrow the best bits of

- Vicky to invite the members present to a first, potentially monthly, meeting via the

DandD website. Invitations could be extended later if there's sufficient (or insufficient)



peer support, Independent artists, ideas, advice, playwrights, Producers, producers,
