Egocentric Ethnocentric Worldcentric And Political Theatre

clifford roddy, 6 September 2012

Egocentric Ethnocentric Worldcentric And Political Theater

Attended by David, Phelim, Clifford, Rachael and all those who did not write their names down.

The idea comes from Saturdays report “What Might Transition Theater Look Like?”
See report here

I suggested that if I start with my own inner (egocentric) revolution I then transform myself playing out the inner theater with the selves that exist within me. From that transformation, the family and community (ethnocentric) that witness this may also be transformed. Furthermore, it is also possible that the transformation grows beyond this (worldcentric).

Theater around food had been suggested i.e. taking the theater to a major store in
Exeter and debating in store with a group of 5-10 people playing different roles, the
possible harmful affects of natural flavours in food. To my knowledge (which is up for discussion) the process of natural flavouring can produce an MSG that has been
linked to various ailments such as memory loss and more severe conditions such as Alzheimers. See link here

It was discussed that this type of theater has the positive aspect of the people/group involved of not becoming polarized by those who produce these products, thus I do not feed into the negative aspect of this phenomenon.
The aim is to reveal the nature of natural flavours and how pervasive it is in our food and for people to have a positive discussion with the wish to engage the public at the theater site.

It can be part scripted, part improvisation allowing for the selves that exist within us all, to rise and the possible need for this to be facilitated by someone who is experienced in holding the space.
For example, Rachael suggested that we have a responsibility to the group and to the shoppers who would become involved in some way I.e. what do we do afterwards and can we continue to involve the shoppers so that we can move a way from the discussion positively. This would be the reason for the facilitator (and also for the facilitator to hold the space). This would need further discussion. The security guard it seems would be the main person to deal with and will more than likely be the point of polarization. It was suggested that one person would be designated to deal with the situation that would retain respect for the security guards position at all times.

Phelim also discussed world work forum and how it fitted with the title of this session. See link here to a video on how you want to see the world

If anybody has any further interest in this and would like to participate in any region and you have an idea for this please contact me. The food example is just an idea and it can be anything that you feel needs brought to your own attention. Anything that you feel you need transformed on.


forum, Work, theater, Transformation, work, Phelim, clifford, transformation, worldcentric, world, msg, ged, wendy, food, rachael, flavours, ethnocentric, Alzheimers, phelim, selves, natural, egocentric