Regina Mendes, 26 January 2014

Jen, Ellie, Alex, Catherine, Mel, Karen, Tim, Liberty, Hatty, Sheridan, Alister, Bill,

Rosanna, Holly, Jeni, Claire, Rosalie, Li, Suzy, Alice, Chloe, Seeta, Fauve, Juliette,

Cris and some more people attended the session.

We put the heart into each doll, we had our quiet moment feeling our own hearts

beating, we completed their legs with dreams and most of us sewed their legs.

Some people made more than one doll and some made a lot like 12 dolls!

We reached the target of 63 dolls.

I felt like I was in paradise having such an amount of generous people helping me to

make the dolls.

Some comments:

'I found out these dreams on the floor'

'I made three dolls, one for me, one for my mother who died last October and one for

my dad who died 10 years ago. I passed on their love, hope and generosity to be with

the dolls wherever they go. I am so thankful for this opportunity to spread peace to

myself and to the world'

'I made 12 dolls for my father's freedom because his freedom depends on 12 people'

' A real moment of stillness and focus on a shared humanity, for me a very personal

experience which helped with some present difficulties, wonderful'

'Provided space and a moment of calm during a hectic weekend'

'I felt a sense of peace and gratitude. I had not realized I needed the quiet. Nor did I

realized how I would enjoy, in that moment, connecting to a sense of global and,

indeed, the whimsical. One small act is what I have to give'

'Making my doll was very calming and helped me check back into myself. The quiet,

the concentration, knowing that you are helping in a little and large way. It felt

beautiful. Feeling the rhythm of the movement and the accomplishment. It was lovely,

just lovely'

'I liked to sew the dreams into the leg. It helped me focus and concentrate after a long

day of discussions and talking'

'Thank you for bringing the dolls at D&D. It was a lively moment for me when I sat

down and had the opportunity to breath, close my eyes and feel my own heart beating.

After two days of work and talks, it felt peaceful to have a moment of silence and

recollection. I sewed two dolls, and it was special. Very poetic, yet simple. I wish you

good luck with this beautiful project'

'Thank you. Doing my bit touched my heart more than anything in the last days, let's

make 7 000 000 000'

Thank you so much everyone!

Please have a look at to find out more about the project.



dolls, 700, doll, sew, peace, global community, 7 billion, Global community, dream,
